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Logo-Stand-Up MRI of Ft. Lauderdale
(954) 489-0099   (954) 489-0040 - Fax


Stand-Up MRI of Ft. Lauderdale
4616 North Federal Highway
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33308
Tax ID: 65-0637743    NPI: 1518059781

To request an appointment online, please go to: www.scheduleyourmri.com

Stand-Up MRI of Ft. Lauderdale is equipped with two MRI scanners—The Stand-Up® MRI and our High-Field option, a 3.0T Short-Bore MRI.. The unique physical configuration of the 0.6T Stand-Up® MRI (a product of FONAR Corporation) makes it the world's most Patient Friendly™ MRI and also the only MRI that can scan patients in any position, allowing it to detect certain problems that would be underestimated or completely missed by any other type of MRI.

The 3.0T Short-Bore MRI (a product of GE Healthcare) is a perfect complement to the Stand-Up® MRI, offering

  • Finer anatomical details in regions such as the brain
  • Thinner slices
  • Faster scans
  • Increased image resolution in standard scan times
  • Advanced imaging applications,

Together, the Stand-Up® MRI the 3.0T Short-Bore MRI provide patients and their physicians with the “Best of Both Worlds”.

For Patients

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Two MRIs on Site:

Stand-Up MRI
  • Stand-Up MRI
  • No “Tube”, No “Tunnel”
  • Most Patients Watch TV
  • Accommodates Large and Claustrophobic Patients
GE 3.0T short-bore MRIHigh Field MRI
  • GE 3.0T MRI
  • For Pictures of Exceptionally Small Anatomical Structures
  • High Speed
  • High-Resolution

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For Physicians

Benefits of Stand-Up® MRI / UPRIGHT® MRI

  • Not Just for Claustrophobic Patients
  • Bed Rotates From Recumbent to Upright
  • Weight-Bearing, Flexion & Extension Spine Studies


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About Us

Stand-Up MRI of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida